Come Play's Castle of Eternal Youth
Luminaria Festival 2012
Conceived by Sasha Zeilig. Created by Sasha Zeilig, the Cast, and the Audience.
The Cast included Susie Hamilton (Costumes and Creative Collaboration), Cary Farrow IV (Kid a.k.a. Chester), Sasha Zeilig (Kid a.k.a. Bunny), James Mora (King), Crystal M. Bratton (Queen), Jennifer Ortega (Princess), Rick Stemm (Knight), Laurie Dietrich (White Witch), Timothy Bowman (Troll), Marissa Moore (Nurse), Tory Ross (Court
Jester), and The Hot Hoopers (Magic Fairies):
Shelly McBurnett, Tara Moorman, Magda Major, Brian Hughs, Amanda Gagliano, Sophia Martinez, Tiffany J. Finley
Photos of Come Play's Castle of Eternal Youth were taken by Charles Zeilig.