Belly awareness for Body Acceptance. Fight body dysmorphia and body shame with one one simple action - wear a crop top. INTERNATIONAL CROP TOP DAY is an annual celebration on 8/8, all over the world, we will celebrate all bellies and bodies as perfectly acceptable! Let's make accepting our bodies an international phenomena. |
Order your official Crop Tops today and get them delivered directly to your door!! Proceeds go to The Body Dysmorphic Disorder Foundation and we have a goal to raise £888 GBP! Their mission is to raise awareness about BDD. * To advance education of the public and healthcare professionals, helping them to understand the nature of BDD and how it might best be treated. * To relieve suffering and reduce stigma, discrimination and isolation caused by BDD. * To help develop a sense of community for people affected by BDD. This includes individuals with BDD, their families, friends, partners and carers.
* To provide information on relevant treatment options. * To support research into the understanding and treatment of BDD. |
#BELLYGOODCHALLENGE 1. Take a photo of your belly and tell your belly story 2. Post it on social media 3. Tag @internationalcroptopday 4. Hashtag: #internationalcroptopday #bellygood #croptoplove 5. Tag 2 friends to take the challenge My story goes that my whole life I've had a Buddha Belly... Which is sometimes considered cute, but often shamed for not being a flat washboard. Translated... I frequently get asked if I'm pregnant or how far along I am by strangers and acquaintances.... Especially before my period when I'm bloated. My usual response, "I not pregnant, just fat." I guess it's my sense of humor trying to make light of the shame and annoyance I feel when this happens.
HOST AN EVENT & BE A COMMUNITY LEADER If YOU are a leader in your community and YOU want to host your own event… Become a Partner. Choose the location (home, park, beach, etc...) Choose a date (between 8/1 and 8/9) Create the event (eventbrite, facebook, etc...) Send us the link to your local event and we'll add it to our posts and stories! DM us on Instagram or email us. |
Submit your design to us and share it as free content for all. We are happy to @you in all our posts for your submitted artwork, but no royalties will be awarded for your designs. Have Fun. Get creative. Support body acceptance. This design was created by @aardmarc |