This game is purely for fun and my FREE offering to you! It is intended to build community, enlighten similarities between people all over the world, and let us connect through a sense of play, risk, present moment, and vivacious living.
Friday Challenge # 40
Let's explore each other's Freedoms this week.... and by each other, I mean the opposite gender.... Ladies - release the restrictions. Gentlemen - embrace the self soothing care. Respond with photos and or reactions to the challenge... Remember - do it the whole week if you can!
Friday Challenge # 39
Role Call! Post a photo of yourself as a ninja (near or in a tree) so I know you are actively playing, and so you don't get kicked out of the private FB group. Example photo below...
Here's my example photo for inspiration and amusement.
Friday Challenge # 38
In honor of my amazing Mother and Mother's Day, I dedicate this one to my Mom. TRUTH: What/Whom do you nurture? Who has nurtured you in your life? DARE: Post Selfies with your Nurturers and Nurturees
Friday Challenge # 37
Happy Beltane and Cinco De Mayo Everybody!!! TRUTH: What makes you feel Hot Hot Hot? DARE: Post photos of you feeling Hot Hot Hot (spicy even!) Thanks for playing!
Friday Challenge # 36
Because Mother Nature and We are One, let's all chose one thing that will not only benefit Mother Earth, but will also help us step up into our greatest good... our highest selves.... the examples that we want to be.
Friday Challenge # 35
As it's the last day I'm 35 and Friday Challenge # 35 and I could use some inspiration, I'm sticking with the birthday theme and asking two questions: 1. What sacred way do you celebrate your birthday? 2. What do I do? (In your words describe your experience with Come Play interactive activities and what you get out of them please and thank you.)
Friday Challenge # 34
It's the week leading up to my birthday so this week's challenge is give me a virtual gift! (Repeat a challenge you wish you had played, photos, videos, links, memes, etc...) Have fun and thanks for playing!
Friday Challenge # 33
Go. Be on Pagan time. Just relax. Have fun. No rush... Then report back.
Friday Challenge # 32
Friday Challenge #32: Another Taboo Subject: Menstruation. Kind of an ironic word if you think about it... TRUTH: Menstruation feelings and stories, please share! DARE: Ladies, post a photo of what you use to catch the blood. Enjoy! And thanks for playing.
Friday Challenge # 31
Wallow in your desires and do a ritual for yourself for this Vernal Equinox TRUTH: Write your desires. DARE: Share photos/drawings/visuals or your desires. Share them in the spirit of asking the universe for them: "Fulfill my desires now, I'm ready." Here's a link to Come Play's Protection Ritual
Friday Challenge # 30
Friday Challenge # 30 is near to my heart, both the Dare (because I love sunset) and the truth (because I love love and want everyone to have the best love possible in life).
TRUTH: Please watch the video... it's too much to type out... but it has to do with deep wounds in our collective culture I think... what's your theory?
DARE: Enjoy the sunset this week where you live and post a photo!
Friday Challenge # 29
This week we head into another taboo territory: the bathroom! Tell us something about the way that you poop... Maybe don't show us this week. Thanks for playing!
Friday Challenge # 28
Abundance can come in my forms: What are you rich with? Share a list, an anecdote, or many photos of all that you are wealthy with in your life. And remember, this one ain't only about monetary wealth.
Friday Challenge # 27
What are you doing differently for "metaphorical Lent?"
Friday Challenge # 26
Happy V-day! Inline with Valentine's Day, (and last week's theme) Friday Challenge #26 is about self love and care. TRUTH: Tell me about what you do to care for and love yourself. DARE: Show me. Also, here's a link to a simple Ritual outline I wrote to aid you in your self-care. Tell me how it goes through story or photos. Join the world wide revolution to end violence against women and girls through artistic and movement based protests. Check out for amazing events on 2/14 near you! I love you! Thanks for playing!
Friday Challenge #25
There is a renewed safe space in the Private FB Group for the PLAYERS after a mass clear out of all SLACKERS. So it's time to get real: Favorite Position in which to Masturbate TRUTH: Do you prefer to sit, stand, or lie? Which hand do you use? DARE: Post a photo of yourself (FULLY CLOTHED) in your favorite masturbatory position, with hands in the right places. Be brave, be bold, be a Player!
Friday Challenge #24
Apologies for the lateness. This week, Get Playing or Get Out! I would like to renew our safe space within the private Facebook Group... so if you have not completed the Challenge by Midnight on Thursday 2/5, I will have no choice but to exclude you from the group. If you would like to rejoin, just ask. Let me know you are actively playing:: TRUTH: Type: "I'm a Player!" DARE: Take a selfie with the words "I'm a Player!" #ComePlay #TruthorDareOnline #Friday Challenge #SashaZeilig
Friday Challenge #23
Share your scar. As many as you want. Let's find healing through empathy and sharing. TRUTH: Write and share the story of a mental/emotional scar. DARE: Take a close up photo of a scar you have and write the story of how you got it.
Friday Challenge #22
What makes you blissful? TRUTH: Share your bliss in writing. DARE: Share your bliss through photos and videos?
Friday Challenge #21
The Music of Our Lives Music means so much to me, it helps me get through things, process my feelings, and it can bring back snapshots from the past in a flash! Let's share in each other's music this week. Truth- What is your theme tune at present? Dare- Post a link of your song so that we can listen to it, or share your current playlist on YouTube or Spotify.
Friday Challenge #20
Here is the 1st Friday Challenge of 2015! What is a strange self-cleaning ritual you do? Truth- describe it. Dare- show us with photo or video. (Mine is cleaning my nose with a Q-tip)