Come Play's Truth or Dare Online Friday Challenge #4
This is Sasha Zeilig, nominated by Jessica Ripple, to do the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge... it is also Sasha Zeilig - Come Play's Truth or Dare Online Friday Challenge #3! Also, I say some EXPLICIT LANGUAGE when I get wet and cold... sorry! Matthew Wannamaker, Reuben Kaller, and Joe Cantu you have 24 hours to complete the challenge... #ComePLay #TruthorDareOnline #Icebucketchallenge Here is Come Play's Truth or Dare Online Friday Challenge #2 To see me complete the challenge this week, you'll have to join the group or look a little harder round my Youtube channel... (for some reason it just felt better to do it with my pants off). Bring the kids and come on down to all the fun at Elote Cafe & Catering's SalsaFest. There's music, dancing, salsa tasting... and Sasha Zeilig - Come Play will have Hula Hoops to try, Collective Collage to contribute to, as well as a giant Twister. All the fun is Free. Come Play!
Invite your friends on Facebook here. Thank you so much to all of you who participated in this week's Come Play's Truth or Dare Friday Challenge!
The award for most well written Truth goes to Cherre Nix: "I feel most at peace when I am in movement, actually. The freedom of spine and knee, elbow and thigh, strength and laughter.... Anything that allows me to breathe deeply and expand and sweat and unravel from my own boundaries...that is worship for me! And it is where I find the most marvelous peace I have ever known--strong body, fertile soul, loving spirit! xoxoxo" The award for the player who is farthest from Sasha Zeilig right now is Kathryn Goodall. Thank you for playing Kat! And the Video Truth award goes to Mia Pearl Leighty for this little gem posted on the event page. Another unexpected challenge awaits for this Friday... Invite your friends to play. Share the event. Join the group!
Sasha ZeiligWatch Friday Challenges Archives
August 2019