Oh snap!!! It's my 40th birthday and there's nothing I love more than doing Purple Circle so I'm throwing myself and YOU and special HONEST & BRAVE GAME Party!
Humpday, 4/17 in person in Encinitas from 7-9 pm PST & Thursday, 4/18 (my actual birthday) ONLINE at an unusual time, 11 am - 1 pm PST so that my friends in other time zones have a chance to Come Play too! (Click here for exact location and details for both circles.) Honest & Brave is my original, safe, but envelope-pushing, conscious truth or dare game. Check out more info, photos and videos here. If you're seeing this blog post, then I want to GIFT YOU a special birthday rate for either circle... just donate what you want/can on a sliding scale from $1 - $40 via www.paypal.me/ComePlay (If you'll be attending the ONLINE Purple Circle on Thursday, please send me a message so that I can send you the PASSWORD to get into the Zoom Meeting Room.) I can't wait to celebrate my birthday being Honest & Brave with you! Love, Sasha
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I've been singing on Instagram and Twitter for the past 7 days (follow me @sashacomeplay) Now I challenge you to record a video and sing! This #FridayChallenge is dedicated to my lovely #Frifes far and wide... :) #ComePlay #TruthorDareOnline #FridayChallenge113 #SingingChallenge Tardy as usual: #FRIDAYCHALLENGE112 - Gratitude It's Thanksgiving so let's give some thanks! What are you grateful for? #ComePlay #TruthorDareOnline #FridayChallenge #FridayChallenge106 - Lemons to Lemonade
I got fired from the job I hated. I never got fired before. I was feeling some shame about it, but realize that it was the Universe looking out for me... literally giving me what I wanted. I didn't want to work there anymore anyway! So what' is a surprising moment in your life that you thought was horrible, but turned out to be fabulous (the Universe looking out)? Join the game! I am curious about your work-life... not so much WHAT you do, but WHERE and HOW you do it.... You ever hear that saying: I wanted to work for myself so I quit my 40 hour/week job to work 100 hours/week? Well, it's true! But it doesn't feel like work so much... it feels more like fun! So please, tell us about your work situation in stories, photos, and videos. Thanks for playing! Support the game by donating here. I started playing COME PLAY TRUTH OR DARE ONLINE in the late summer of 2014... I started playing LIVE in 2012 at Luminaria Arts Festival in San Antonio. Then my friend invited us to play at his bar where I was able to really hone and develop the different ways to play. Since then, I've played at everything from Festivals, Conferences, Ladies Tea Parties in Colorado, Oklahoma, Texas, and California. My box gets around! LOL! If you've been playing since the beginning please let me know in the comments below! Let me know what was going on in your life at the time and at exactly which Challenge you joined (if you can figure it out). I was on the same train this Friday recording Challenge 100 as I was 2.5 years ago on the Friday that I recorded Challenge 10. Crazy right? So I ask you, my dears, how have you changed to come closer to your own joy and true self? As always, thanks for playing, Players! Without you, this game would not be possible. I love you. Congratulations to us! #FridayChallenge100. Bad. Ass. xoxoxo We are almost at our 100th challenge so it seemed a good time for ROLL CALL!!! Please post a photo of your favorite food for #FridayChallenge99 or be kicked out of the group. You can always come back when you're ready to be an active member again. Thanks for playing, Players! #ComePlay #TruthorDareOnline #FridayChallenge97 - is all about PETS - Here's a little taste of what we got up to during SSGG 2017... we hope it will help you join us in 2018! Dates are January 12-14, 2018, location is Vedanta Spiritual & Holistic Retreat in California Hot Springs, CA again because we loved it so much here! Early-bird Tickets are on sale now here. What happens when Sasha throws a Snuggle Party and the only guests who arrive are 6 Men?
Because that's what happened Saturday Night at my Alternatine's Party. What transpired was obviously awkward, but it was simultaneously beautiful, delicate, and inspiring. OMG, my dears, Let me tell you this wild and crazy story... The party was planned from 7pm-9pm. When 7:15pm rolled around and none of the highly anticipated women had arrived, I broached the awkwardness by opening trying to explan why I thought no women had come. I told them, women hug each other all the time, we get lots of healing touch in our lives from our sisters. We are not snuggle starved. We have permission from society to touch each other. We give each other permission. We share physical affection. Then I asked the men there a question: "What would it look like if you gave each other permission to express brotherly love?" First we talked. It was pretty much a men's circle facilitated by a woman. I set the space with low lighting, soft music, and a circular (feminine essence) alter which included the 4 elements as well as open vessels representing receiving, and phallic symbols representing giving. We sat around the central alter on soft cushions and blankets. Then I officially opened the circle as I would in any of my women's circles, with a ritual. We lit candles together. We smudged each other with a sage stick, taking turns, going in a circle so that we could each experience being healer and being healed. We are all magic, you know! We each pulled a one-word angel card, shared our names, and how our angel-card-word was relevant to us in this moment. My card was special, it had two words: Brotherhood/Sisterhood. “How perfectly suited”, I thought. We then enjoyed a few silly and empathetic rounds of Come Play Truth or Dare Live. Highlights of this endeavor for me included: A group dare where we all shared our most embarrassing moments Witnessing one gent massage another gent kindly for 3 minutes And just generally how much laughter was shared Then came the time when I could no longer avoid what we had all come to do: Snuggle. We practiced the boundaries (permission to say no and have that no accepted seemed especially important under the circumstances). We practiced saying yes as well. Then I tried to settle into the middle between them all. That lasted all of 10 seconds before I realized there was no way I'd be able to settle into that. I immediately popped up with an idea! One gent added to it and then we had the perfect exercise for us in that moment. One person at a time received a 4 elements massage from all the rest of us. Each person had a turn to receive and to give. It was delicious, kind, and finally comfortable. I was so proud of us for navigating this new, foreign, and extremely unknown territory... and for doing it gracefully. And for no one just walking out and never looking back! It was so cool and I want to do more.... Anyone else interested? I was inspired on Saturday night by man-love, brotherly love, BROVE! Thank you for the hope, Gents! Xoxoxoxo, |
Sasha ZeiligWatch Friday Challenges Archives
August 2019